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Bukit Lawang

Explore Orangutan


Fascinating Toba Lake

Toba lake and Batak culture



Mentawai shamans

Mentawai shaman

Mentawai shaman



close to the nature

13 Discover Sumatra 
Mentawai Tribe + Orangutan trek and Toba Lake 


Embark on an exceptional adventure to discover the rich wildlife and culture of Sumatra. Our week-long trip will take you to Bukit Lawang, a world-famous habitat for endangered orangutans, Toba Lake, and the heart of Jungle Siberut to meet the Mentawai people. One of our most unique offers is the chance to live with a Mentawai family as part of your travel experience. You will share their home and enjoy their traditional dishes, providing a real cultural experience and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn more about their culture.

  • Trip type > Small group trip.

  • Level > Moderate hike

  • Duration > 13 days

  • Feature > Nature, culture and wildlife

  • Destination >   Mentawai Tribe + Bukit Lawang, and Toba Lake

> What to expect in this trip 

  • Explore Orangutan Sumatra in their natural habitat

  • Experience Sumatra wilderness

  • Discover Batak culture and experience the beauty of Toba Lake, renowned as the largest volcanic caldera in the world.

  • Meet the Mentawai Flower Men, who live their unique culture and way of life in the forest.

  • Immerse yourself in the Mentawai tribe to have authentic cultural experiences.

Trip Summary

Day 1 Arrival at Padang International Airport – transfer to Hotel in Padang city

  • The day before the trip, the guide/team will pick you up at the airport and drive you to your accommodation in Padang City.

  • Night in Padang, and preparation for the Mentawai tribe excursion.

Day 2 Padang – Siberut Island, Mentawais

  • 06:00 Pick up from hotel in Padang

  • 07:00 Fast Ferry to Siberut Island

  • Arrival in North Siberut (Pokkai) and transit for 1 hour (loading and unloading of goods and passengers; during this transit, we will have lunch at the local restaurant.

  • 1:50 p.m. Arrival at South Siberut (our destination) and arrival at our transit village by minivan or pick up.

  • Upon arrival in our transit village, prepare and load our belongings, then continue our trip by motorized canoe. Crossing the Siberut Jungle River to our hiking point (approximately 2.5 hours)

  • Arrive at our hiking and trekking point in the Mentawai family (1 hour).

  • Arrival at the traditional Mentawai house

Day 3 – 4, and 5 Stay with the Mentawai family and engage in local activities

and explore the jungle and remote villages.

  • During these days, we will explore the jungle and the jungle life of the Mentawai people.

  • Join the family or participate in meal preparation and other activities in our presence

  • During our stay with the Mentawai family, we will traditionally live as them

  • During our family stay, you can ask them anything you would like to know about their lifestyle, culture and traditions, and they want to talk about it and answer your question

  • Join or participate in food gathering and processing activity, harvest, fishing, etc

  • Learn to weave a basket, a tray, or a bag of Ratan or leaves that the Mentawai usually use to support their daily life in the jungle for example making poison for the bow and arrows and experiencing jungle survival with the Mentawai tribe;

Note: There are no fixed itineraries for this trip as you will be living with the locals and experiencing their daily life in the Mentawai. This unique opportunity will allow you to witness and immerse yourself in the local culture, providing you with a deep understanding of their way of life.

Day 6  Departure from the isolated village - Siberut port and return to Padang

  • Have breakfast and say farewell to your host family. Return to the river and take a motorized canoe to the government village. Then transfer to the local house of Mentawai, clean up, take a shower, and have coffee and lunch. Depart from Siberut at 3:00 PM by fast ferry and arrive in Padang at 6:30 PM.

  • Arrival in Padang and transfer to your hotel/hostel, Night in Padang

Day 7 Flight from Padang City to Medan City and transfer to Bukit Lawang

  • Leaving Padang City to Medan City by plane ( it's advisable to take the morning flight )

  • Arrive in Medan City, continue travel straight to Bukit Lawang village, which is 4 - 5  hours drive from Medan City. Upon arrival in Bukit Lawang, you will register at our ecolodge.

  • After that, you will have dinner and stay overnight in Bukit Lawang.

Day 8 Hike in the Orangutan jungle of Bukit Lawang

  • After breakfast at the guest house, we will begin our hike to Leuser National Park, crossing the deep jungle to explore orangutans, Thomas Leaf monkeys, black gibbons, masks, various, siamangs, birds (hornbirds)

  • There will be a maximum of 3 hours of hiking before lunch.

  • Lunch will be provided in the jungle (we will stop briefly and make a hut during the trek).

  • After lunch, we will continue hiking for another 1-2 hours.

  • Before sunset, we will build a cabin (overnight at camp) near a river while you can take a refreshing dip in the river.

  • Night in the jungle ( in the bivouac or tent )

Day 9 Rainforest Hike – Bukit Lawang Village

  • After breakfast, we will continue the hike to see and observe more animals, flora, and fauna.

  • Jungle waterfall tour while taking a refreshing shower

  • Lunch will be provided in the jungle.

  • Return to our eco-lodge with tubbing 

  • Arriving at our ecolodge

  • Dinner and evening

Day 10 Departure from Bukit Lawang to Toba lake

  • After breakfast from Bukit Lawang to Prapat Toba

  • On the road, we will visit several destinations: - Dokan, the traditional village of Batak Karo and Sipiso Waterfall – Piso

  • Arrive in Prapat and continue to Lake Toba with a local ferry for 40 minutes

  • Arrival in Samosir, Lake Toba, and check in at your accommodation in Tuk Village – Tuk

  • Overnight in Lake Toba

Day 11 - 12 Staying in Samosir, Toba Lake

  • Batak Traditional Village Heritage Tour

  • Visit the Batak Museum

  • Visit of the traditional inhabitants of Batak village, Traditional market

  • Explore traditional Batak villages, learn about local culture, and enjoy traditional dishes.

  • Overnight in Lake Toba

Day 13 : Departure from Toba Lake to Medan airport and flight to Padang 

  • After breakfast, transfer by local ferry to Prapat City and Tranfer to Medan City or Medan Airport

  • Arrive in Medan and Tour End

Practical Information

  • To stay in the remote village located in the Mentawai jungle, you will need to be prepared to live in the same conditions as the local community. This includes sleeping on the floor with a mat and a mosquito net for protection during the night. Please note that the living arrangements are very basic, so you should be ready for a rustic experience.

  • In situations where poverty and isolation are prevalent, it is not always possible to guarantee the same level of comfort and cleanliness that one may be accustomed to in Western societies. However, when families graciously allow us to live and spend time with them, it is important to be able to tolerate any minor discomforts in order to fully enjoy the overall experience.

  • The Mentawai traditional communities reside in remote areas within the jungle forest. It's not easy to access these communities, and the trek conditions include a significant amount of muddy terrain, with slippery and uneven ground. At times, you'll have to walk on logs on the muddy ground, which the Mentawai make and use as a bridge to access further routes.

  • We would like to kindly remind you that the Mentawai jungle does not have access to electricity. Therefore, it would be wise to make sure your camera and phone are fully charged before embarking on this memorable journey. It's important to note that the conditions during this trip may be challenging at times and may require a certain level of physical endurance. Please don't worry though, because with proper preparation, you will be able to enjoy this experience to the fullest.

  • "Good mental preparation and great adaptability are crucial for this trip. It's important to be well-informed about the culture and ways of life in Mentawai and the jungle before departure. The guide will provide a brief explanation about this before we start our trip."

  • It is important to show respect towards the culture of every local community. This includes respecting their local wisdom, laws, way of living, dress (particularly for the Mentawai), upbringing methods, different life perspectives, and views of the world and local environment.

  • Sumatra has a tropical climate with hot and humid weather year-round. The driest time is from May to September, with sporadic rains. November to January sees abundant rainfall. Siberut Island averages 30°C, so be prepared for the hot, humid conditions.

Things good to know during Orangutan trekking

  • When visiting Gunung Leuser National Park, it's important to keep in mind some wildlife viewing and safety information. Orangutans are known to spend most of their time in the forest canopy and don't usually come into contact with humans. However, ex-captive orangutans in Bukit Lawang may walk on the ground and might come into close contact with humans. Unfortunately, some of their behaviors, as well as the behavior of human visitors, can make them sick.

  • Due to their genetic similarity to humans (97%), orangutans are at risk of contracting many of the same diseases that we can. When humans come into contact with orangutans, they can unknowingly spread diseases through coughing, sneezing, and even spitting. This can result in the spread of diseases such as measles, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and influenza among the orangutan population. Additionally, many diseases such as shigella, hepatitis A, herpes, scabies, and worms are carried in human feces. When orangutans come into contact with contaminated feces, they can become infected with these diseases. It is important to be aware of these risks and take necessary precautions to protect both humans and Orangutans.

Things to carry during Orangutan trekking 

  • Please bring adventure equipment you will survive in the Sumatra rainforest such as :

  • Trekking shoes will be muddy and wet

  • Small backpack (we can leave some stuff at the previous place we stayed in (hotel/hostel)

  • Long trousers, long sleeves, t-shirt, fresh underwear (there will be sweating going on)

  • Rain clothes 

  • We recommend bringing a dry bag/pocket (waterproof) to protect your camera and any other important documents and equipment you need to take care of

  •  A sleeping bag, mosquito repellent, high protection sunscreen, a headlamp, toilet paper, a sun hat/cap, sunglasses, a water bottle, flip flop

  • First aid such as paracetamol, painkillers, anti-diarrhea, disinfectant, and all other medication you would usually take

  • Do not overpack! Keep it simple


We strongly advise that you take responsibility for your travel insurance before or immediately after booking your trip with us. It is imperative that you bring all relevant documents and information with you on the trip. It is highly recommended that you obtain vaccinations before traveling to Indonesia.

In addition to the comprehensive information that you have already received on what to bring and not to bring, we would like to inquire further about any allergies, dietary restrictions, or health issues, such as diabetes, epilepsy, asthma, or heart disease, that you may have.

We thank you for choosing our services, and we eagerly anticipate hosting you.

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